ZIP,ARC 形式のアーカイブファイルをLZH形式に変換
Dave Robinson
4604 Golf Park Dr
Lynchburg, VA 24502
ARC2LZH.EXE was written for my own use to convert all the various archive files that I had to the new format .LZH. Since this new format has a much better compression ratio the local area BBSs have started using it. I suspect that it will catch on in other areas as well. We'll just have to wait and see. It is a fairly simple program, so adapting it to other formats would not be too difficult
to do. I am donating this program to the public domain, therefore I am not necessarily going to support it, but if you have any questions, problems, or suggestions please feel free to write me at the above address or drop me a message at Starbase 9000 (804)846-6518, 2400baud N 8 1.
プログラムのコンパイルは、Turbo-C2.0C for98シリーズを使用しました。