Chess fonts and a chess style
This is version 1.2 of my chessmacros for typesetting chess with LaTeX
and/or TeX. This new version contains an improved chess style file
(chess.sty) complete with documentation and example files. The
documentation is the article as it will appear in TUGboat. You will
also find examples of complete chess games and a list of all available
Informator symbols in the directory `doc':
- TUGboat.ltx TUGboat article (tugboat macros not included
- TUGgame.ltx in this package)
- tal.ltx Tal-Fisher in LaTeX
- tal.tex Tal-Fisher in TeX
- Kasparov.ltx Kasparov-Karpov in Informator style
- Symbols.ltx Informator symbols in LaTeX
- Symbols.tex Informator symbols in TeX
- SchaakMaatje.ltx example of chess magazine (Dutch!)