Buddy 2.1a

buddy.zip ( Filesize:  114,688 )





This version of Buddy runs on the HP 100LX or the HP 200LX.

Buddy is a program for the HP 100LX and HP 200LX that adds dozens of
features and keystroke shortcuts to the built-in HP applications.

Unlike the built-in macro capability provided by the HP 100LX/200LX
"user keys" (which simply replay a series of preset keystrokes), Buddy
is actively involved with the operation of the applications. For
example, Buddy links the Filer to Memo, Lotus 1-2-3, Phone, and the
other database applications, allowing easy "point-and-click" access to
files and worksheets.

This version of Buddy exhibits multiple personalities. Version 2 of
100Buddy works on the 100LX as well as the 200LX. If you load it on a
200LX, it becomes "200Buddy."


Buddy is not freeware. It is shareware. Try it out for a few days.
If you like it and want to continue using it, you are on your honor to
send your shareware registration fee of $40.00 to the address below.
Please fill out REGISTER.TXT and mail it to the address below.

Mail to: Jeffrey Mattox, PO Box 45282, Madison, WI 53744-5282
e-mail: CompuServe: 71044,2356 Internet: 71044.2356@compuserve.com.
voice: (608) 831-1103 evenings after 7:00pm U.S. central time only.


種類:シェアウェア :$40.00(US)
作者: Jeffrey Mattox