ZCOMM 18.26

zcommexe.zip ( Filesize:  193,546 )





Two decades of communications experience are distilled in ZCOMM.
ZCOMM transfers files quickly and surely under real world conditions,
not just across tabletops. Unsolicited customer testimonials
chronicle accurate file transfers under conditions that crash other
programs, thanks to Omen Technology's Cybernetic Data Recovery(TM)
logic enhancements and rigorous stress testing.

How often has your modem disconnected when you were within a few bytes
of finishing a long, expensive file transfer? With ZMODEM-90(TM) you
can resume the transfer from where you were cut off, without wasted
time or extra phone charges. If the transfer aborted because you ran
out of disk space, ZMODEM can recover from that too!

ZMODEM transfers files and commands with a user friendly interface.
Unlike traditional protocols, only one command or menu choice is
needed to transfer files or download commands.

"Pro-YAM's AutoDownload feature for ZMODEM (and KERMIT) has got me
completely addicted."

Omen Technology's ZMODEM-90(TM) extensions accelerate transfers and
enhance flexibility.

Pro-YAM's ZMODEM compression provides spectacular throughput increases
on suitable files, significantly faster than other protocols tested
with the PC Magazine Compressible Test File.

Other ZMODEM features include text file translation, selective
transfer of modified files, and remote file maintenance. A single
command can update an entire directory tree, creating new
subdirectories as necessary.


+ Basic registration (ZSNP, disk, manual pages): $40.00
+ Optional Custom Binder: $10.00
+ Optional 3.5 inch diskette: $5.00
+ Domestic/Canada Surface Shipping: Free with prepaid orders
+ International Air Mail (most countries): $15.00[1]
+ Optional Domestic UPS Second Day AIR: $5.00
+ Credit Card/C.O.D. S&H: $5.00


種類:シェアウェア :$40.00(US)
作者: Omen Technology Incorporated